A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service we provide. They act as the patient voice and are an important part of the Partnership community.
Since April 2015, it has been a contractual requirement of NHS England for all GP practices to have a PPG and to make reasonable efforts for this to be representative of the practice population.
They are a route for patients to advise and inform the Partnership on what matters most to patients and to help identify solutions to problems. Members of PPGs think about the wider patient interest and can bring issues to the attention of the Partners and other staff who attend and support meetings when serving on the PPG.
Medicus Health Partners has invited the local representatives to take a place on the Partnership PPG so they can support the wider group, discuss issues and changes that effect all locations within the Partnership and bring news, updates back to their members and take local ideas/issues back for consideration/discussion by all PPG groups within Medicus Health Partners.
Partnership PPG Meetings are held Bi-Monthly, we try to use Medicus Sites that are able to offer meeting/conference facilities, the venue is communicated to Members before each meeting with confirmation of time and travel details.
Meet Our PPG Chair
Medicus is delighted to announce that John Donnelly has been voted in as our new PPG Chair.
He has been School Governor for over 20 years in the Secondary sector, and is currently Chairman of 2 of the Secondary Schools within The Borough
Also involved with Exodus, one of the Borough Food Banks, where he assists in collecting food and delivering to needy families on a weekly basis.
John stated that “becoming Chair of the enlarged Practice he would devote time and enthusiasm to ensure the PPG was a success and a voice for all Medicus patients”.
He has already started work on scheduling site visits to meet patients, dates will be published on the PPG webpage page and signs will be displayed at the sites advising when he will visit. Forms have been designed and will be available at receptions for patients to contact the PPG if they do not have access to online services.
Forming working groups with PPG members to tackle issues highlighted by patients, support health related local projects and support communication between the practice and patients.

Non-urgent advice: PPG Members Next Meeting
11 December 2024 – Venue TBC
Join the PPG!
Please fill this form and one of our PPG members will reach out to you.
You may also collect a manual form from your registered branch surgery.