We always try to provide the best possible service, but there may be times when you feel this has not happened. The reception staff are usually able to deal with most minor complaints, but if you wish to make a complaint of more serious nature, then please telephone or write to the Practice Manager. Please note that any complaint regarding a doctor or nurse must be put in writing.
Our practice complaint form is available above, please download and fill in this form and eMail or post it to the Practice Manager of your branch site.
We aim to acknowledge any complaint within 3 working days and we then try to investigate, and report back the findings within 14 working days from acknowledgement.
If you are unhappy about the services or how we dealt with your complaint at any of our branch sites, you are now able to raise it with our Integrated Governance Lead- Medicus Health Partners at mhp.feedback@nhs.net
Our practice complaint procedure is not able to deal with questions of legal liability or compensation. We hope you will allow us to look into, and if necessary correct, any problems or mistakes that you have identified. If you use this procedure it will not affect your right to complain to the NHS England Health Authority (0300 311 22 33).
To complain about a UK government organisation or the NHS in England you can contact the Health Ombudsman in the following manner:
- Visit their ‘Making a complaint page‘ to complain online or download a paper form
- Call their Customer Helpline on 0345 015 4033 from 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday
- Send a text to their ‘call back’ service: 07624 813 005
Please note that we have to respect our duty of confidentiality to patients. If a patient does not make the complaint in person, then his/her written consent will be necessary to allow us to discuss the matter with another person.
How you make a complaint about primary care services is changing on 1 July 2023
From 1 July 2023 the way members of the public make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner is changing.
By primary care services we mean GPs, dentists, opticians or pharmacy services.
There are two ways you can make a complaint:
- You can complain to the healthcare provider: this is the organisation where you received the NHS service, for example a GP surgery or dental surgery.
- You can complain to the commissioner of the service: this is the organisation that paid for the service or care you received.
After 1 July 2023 if you want to make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner you will need to contact North Central London Integrated Care Board instead of NHS England. You can do this by:
Telephone: 020 3198 9743
E-mail: nclicb.complaints@nhs.net
North Central London Integrated Care Board
Complaints Team
Laycock PDC
Laycock Street
N1 1TH
If you have a formal complaint to make, it is always advisable to try and resolve an issue directly with the provider in the first instance.
Members of the public with ongoing complaints received on/after 1 July 2022 will receive a letter from NHS England informing them that the ICB is now handling their complaint with confirmation of their case handler.
Members of the public with any ongoing complaints received before 1 July 2022 will receive a letter from NHS England informing them that their complaint is being retained by NHS England with confirmation of their case handler.
If you have any queries, please contact england.contactus@nhs.net
You have the right to make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care, treatment or service, and this is written into the NHS Constitution on GOV.UK. Find out more about how to feedback or make a complaint about an NHS service